When you want to get into earning money online you naturally start to learn by reading the advice that other "pros" offer on their websites. Most of that is bullshit mixed with a little hot air. If you take everything for the truth you will end up spending alot of money for "free" e-books and other useless junk. Me, I read alot and analyze websites. If a site is visually appealing, the content can be of lower quality. On the other side, there are websites out there, that have stunning content, that could open you new ways, if only someone found them.
Personally I don´t like those cluttered sites with myriads of columns and thousands of banners. It´s distracting and tends to keep me away from revisiting that site again. I like my sites clear and simple, but visually pleasing.
So of to modding my own site a little. Gonna ad some pics and a new banner. The old one is rather boring.
'till then.
Keep blogging.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
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4 Kommentare:
Thanks for ranking me up there with:
* John Cow
* Making Green (me!)
* Problogger
* Shoemoney
* JohnChow
You obviously know how to make some money!
hmmmm....do u meaning build a website and make some banners and advertiser?
I'm currently doing my own banners. Takes some time, but is a lot of fun.
for newbies bloggers, just keep on surfing to find a way to make good money online. Its true, lots of effort to do it but its worth your time.
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